Front Page Forums BioMap Biomap registration key problem 2012

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  • #1525

    In reference to your response in the other thread:
    What I was revering to was the file name and path of the data file. Could you try to modify this?


    There is no other information displayed but that one. No mention to data path whatsoever.

    Markus Stoeckli

    [b]pognonec wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Thank you Markus for your quick response. Here is a screenshot of the output.
    [img size=642][/img][/quote]

    Please look in the folder …/Application Data in the screenshot for the folder biomap and delete it. Please try to run BioMap again and check if it creates this folder. Once registered, there should be a licenserc file in the biomap folder.


    Markus Stoeckli

    [b]jovaudek wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Hello Markus,

    How do you get a key for MRI?
    we received one for MSI but we need (only) the MRI one.


    Bruker customers can get a link to the registration page from Bruker. But also Google might have the answer for BioMap MRI 😉


    I deleted the folder you indicated, and launched BioMap.
    I had a message asking me to redirect it to the installation forlder (C\Program Files\BioMap\), which I did, clicked “save”, and “done”. BioMap opens, does not display the registration fields, and display a Warning: “OPENW: Error opening file. Unit: 100, File: C:\Documentsd and Settings\pourcher\Application Data\biomap\uparsrc
    I click “OK”, BioMap window closes.
    Ther is no BioMap folder recreated in C:\Documentsd and Settings\pourcher\Application Data\

    If I start again opening BioMap, I get again the same exact situation as the one just described.


    Markus Stoeckli

    [b]pognonec wrote:[/b]
    [quote]…and display a Warning: “OPENW: Error opening file. Unit: 100, File: C:\\Documentsd and Settings\\pourcher\\Application Data\\biomap\\uparsrc

    OK, my mistake :huh: , TissueView creates these files automatically but not BioMap. So, please copy the files from C:\\Program Files\\BioMap\\Settings\\ to C:\\Documents and Settings\\pourcher\\Application Data\\biomap\\ and start BioMap. If BioMap does not display the registration field, make sure you don’t have a file with the name “licenserc.” in the BioMap program folders. Also, if this does not help, you may register BioMap using the method of post # 822 in this thread. Copy the received “licenserc.”file into C:\\Documents and Settings\\pourcher\\Application Data\\biomap\\ and all should work well.



    I did as you wrote. BioMap now opens, but still does not display any registration fields. I could not find any “licenserc.” file. If it can help, here is a screenshot of the windows that could be of interest.


    Here is the screenshot: [img size=700][/img]

    Markus Stoeckli

    [b]pognonec wrote:[/b]
    [quote]I did as you wrote. BioMap now opens, but still does not display any registration fields. I could not find any “licenserc.” file. If it can help, here is a screenshot of the windows that could be of interest.[/quote]

    Please try the solution of post #822



    Thank you Markus for your patience.
    I nevertheless think that the BioMap registration system is not the easiest one I have met… :blush:
    Maybe this is something that could be worth simplifying in a future version if you guys have some time available?

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