METASPACE is a high-performance engine for metabolite identification for imaging mass spectrometry, and an open community-populated knowledge-base of spatial metabolomes.
METASPACE can be accessed at One can submit their dataset to METASPACE to receive a list of metabolites and associated images found according to our custom bioinformatics (Palmer et al, 2017), explore the results interactively, apply various filters and algorithms, and share results with colleagues or collaborators. METASPACE also includes capabilities to organize the results by projects or groups, and for publishing them in scientific journals. One can also browse results from thousands of public datasets from a variety of organisms including human and tissues to explore which molecules are detected by which protocols and technologies in their biological context. METASPACE is free, open-source, non-profit, and funded by the research funding from the European Commission and the US National Institutes of Health. For more information, please read the METASPACE preprint and explore tens of publications from the METASPACE team and users.