These missions (exchange visits) are aimed at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in another COST country to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique or to take measurements using instruments and/or methods not available in their own institution/laboratory. They are particularly intended for young scientists. STSM’s can be between 5 full working days (minimum duration) and up to 3 months (maximum duration). The maximum grant that can be requested is 2500 Euros. To aid budget calculations the COST Office estimates 60-90 Euros per diem for accommodation and meals.

How to submit an STSM application

The COST action is finished, no more applications are accepted.

The formal process for submitting an application involved following steps:

Step 1: Register to COST system.
Use the online registration tool: (

The following information needs to be provided:
1. the Action number (BM1104);
2. the title of the planned STSM;
3. the start and end date;
4. the applicant’s details, including key academic details and work plan;
5. the applicant’s bank details;
6. the host institution;
7. amount requested for travel and subsistence.

Step 2: Formal STSM application and annexes
After registration the eCOST system will issue a formal STSM application, which has to be downloaded and emailed along with a CV, full workplan, motivation letter and letter-of-support from the host institute to
– the contact person of the host institute
– the MC Chair (<>)

Step 3: Assessment
The STSM application will then be assessed by the STSM panel, who will decide if the STSM should be approved, resubmitted following suggested changes or rejected.

Step 4: Grant Letter
If approved, a grant letter will be sent to the applicant informing them of the approval. This letter then needs to be signed and returned. The STSM can then take place.

Note: Owing to the formal administrative procedure the application must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the start of a planned STSM.
After the STSM:
Step 5: Scientific Report
After completion of the STSM a short scientific report needs to be sent to the host institution and MC Chair within 4 weeks after the end of the STSM.
It should contain the following information:
– purpose of the STSM;
– description of the work carried out during the STSM;
– description of the main results obtained;
– future collaboration with host institution (if applicable);
– foreseen publications/articles resulting or to result from the STSM (if applicable);
– confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of the STSM;
– other comments (if any).

Step 6: Approval.
Only after approval of the scientific report can the STSM grant be paid.

Find more information about short term scientific missions in the STSM section of the COST-Vademecum Part B, Grant system (see COST guidelines).

Find an overview of the STSMs in the Achievements-section >>