Front Page › Forums › BioMap › Installing BioMap on Mac OS X Tiger › Re:Installing BioMap on Mac OS X Tiger
I have figured out a way of launching this from the command line, but now I get a bus error:
theodora:~ cb$ /Applications/rsi/idl_6.3/bin/idl -rt=/usr/local/biomap/bin/biomap.sav
IDL Version 6.3, Mac OS X (darwin ppc m32). (c) 2006, Research Systems, Inc.
% Restored file: IDLRTMAIN.
pBMT_SetupStructures: Initializing structures…
% PBMT_READPARAMETER: Reading /Users/cb/.biomap/uparsrc
% PLIB_READSTRUCTDATA: Error occured, exiting:Variable is undefined: NAME.
% PBMT_READPARAMETER: Reading /Users/cb/.biomap/infrc
% PLIB_READSTRUCTDATA: Error occured, exiting:Variable is undefined: NAME.
% PBMT_READPARAMETER: Reading /Users/cb/.biomap/systemrc
% PBMT_READPARAMETER: Reading /Users/cb/.biomap/winrc
% PLIB_READSTRUCTDATA: Type of tag was not recognized
% PLIB_READSTRUCTDATA: Error occured, exiting:Variable is undefined: NAME.
Bus error
theodora:~ cb$
Any ideas, anyone…?