Front Page Forums BioMap BIOMAP Help

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  • #893

    I am a first time user of the BIOMAP program and currently no one in our institution is using this program. I have aquired an image file using the 4000 series imaging tool and have managed to successfully import the file to the program. All I see is a black screen. I really need to know the basics such as how to see a spectra and how to pick a particular mass or mass range to image. Can someone help me or point me in a direction where I can find some of this basic information? At this point we really just want to see some basic images to show to our collaborators and then eventually would like to become much more proficient in the use of BIOMAP. Perhaps I am opening the file the wrong way or something but I can’t seem to see anything other than a black screen with the file name in it. Thanks for the help.


    Markus Stoeckli

    This short movie may get you started: [url=]BioMap-Browsing.wmv[/url]

    Post edited by: net-climber, at: 2007/03/21 19:36

    Post edited by: net-climber, at: 2007/03/21 19:36

    Francesco Amadei

    Almost two years have passed since the first post of this thread, but someone is still interested in this movie, as I am now a first time user of Biomap: is still possible to get it? I can’t find it neither at the former nor at the latter link.

    Thanks in advance!


    Markus Stoeckli

    Thanks for the info, I updated the link to the movie.


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