Front Page Forums BioMap img/hdr to text file

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  • #1237
    Chris Arthur

    I was interested in doing some numerical analysis on image data so I have written a small c++ that converts img/hdr pair generated by "4000 imaging" into a comma delimited text file.

    I have added it to Sourceforge so that anyone can use it.


    It is obviously released without any warranty. It uses the CImg library to access the image data (a copy of the version used is included with img2csv)

    It has been tested on Linux running fedora and centos but should work for other unix flavors.

    The first column is a string of the form "X47 Y32", corresponding to the XY position data

    Be warned unpacking a img/hdr file into raw text generates very large files.

    I hope other people find it useful. Comments criticisms or addendums welcome.


    Post edited by: arthuc01, at: 2008/09/04 01:19


    Is it possible to get the IMG file structure? We would like to have that for our internal use.
    arthuc01: Please let me know. My email is

    Markus Stoeckli

    The img file structure is descibed in this forum, please use the search function and you’ll find it. But… you may want to start writing software for the new imzML format. Its a XML format, making live much easier…


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