Front Page Forums Instrumentation Waters MALDI instruments now imaging-enabled…

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    At ASMS 2006, Waters announced introduced a new upgrade to its MALDI Q-Tof Premier™ mass spectrometer in the form of a 200-Hz solid state laser and new software enabling scientists to perform molecular imaging experiments. The software will be available from September this year. Please direct any inquiries you may have regarding imaging with M@LDI, MALDI micro MX, or MALDI Q-Tof instruments to me at .


    Good to hear that Waters has a product to support tissue profiling. Is this product dedicated to small molecule profiling?



    No, the system supports both small molecule and protemics work.


    may i have a question, what else is required (apart from biomap) to make it work. there is not an absolute requirment that the laser has to be 200Hz! program? what program? is that a new application manager? how much does this cost again? mmmm… should be free, please.

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