Front Page Forums BioMap XP-64bit & export as AVI

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  • #1211
    Kenneth Chan

    Hello all, More of a bug report…. I was trying to export an avi when I ran into this error…

    it looks like avi.dll is not compatable with XPPro x64

    I know not a lot of people run x64 XP but it is so nice to have extra memory…

    KC [img size=453][/img]

    Post edited by: kchan, at: 2008/02/26 09:43

    Markus Stoeckli

    Thanks for reporting this shortcoming. We have this dll only in the compiled version and can therefore not make any changes to it. Would you know of a alternative library for exporting movies in IDL? The one we currently use is extremely simple to handle (open file, select encoder, add frames, close file). Something similar for 64 bit would be great.


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