Registered: 6 years, 11 months ago
HTX Imaging Product Manager. HTX Technologies helps scientific research and discovery worldwide by offering innovative sample preparation systems. Experience in automation, liquid handling and delivery systems give HTX the ability to integrate complex analytical workflows and deliver higher quality samples, an essential key in quality analysis. The HTX Imaging product line includes the HTX TM-Sprayer and HTX M5 Sprayer, two MALDI matrix deposition systems offering the unique heated spray nozzle technology for better extraction, low delocalization and high reproducibility in Mass Spectrometry Imaging. The SepQuant product line includes the LiquidProbe surface sampling device for liquid extraction and separation of surface components prior to Mass Spectrometry analysis. The LC-Transform product line includes hyphenation systems for LC to MS, or LC to FTIR. Each product line is complete with a wide range of products and services including user training, software, consumables and method development services. Visit www.htximaging.com for the latest information. Follow HTX Technologies on LinkedIn.
Website: http://www.htximaging.com
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